If You Can’t Go Outside, Go Inside.
By: Sabila Siddiqui We’re a couple of weeks into quarantine and by now you’ve more than likely have watched all the Netflix shows, become a chef and painter, tapped into every live session, re-visited the refrigerator for the 27th time and reached the end of your Instagram scrolls. Some days you wake up feeling full
If You Can’t Go Outside, Go Inside. Read More »
The Power Of Corona Virus
By: Sabila Siddiqui Its name left buzzing malls empty,sanitizers out of stock,masks and hygiene products booming. It revolutionized responses to sneezes from “bless you” to “get away from me”.It shut down schools and flights bringing governments to its knees. It snatched sleep from health workers,that now risk their lives every day to be the hustle towards the cure
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Pandemic Results in an Outbreak of Social Revelations.
By: Sabila Siddiqui For the first time in history, we can save the human race by lying in front of the tv doing nothing. Let’s not screw this up. It’s a coronavirus pun-demic, dark humor is thriving more than ever, consuming the striking events of this year. But, moving onto the real concerning the topic
Pandemic Results in an Outbreak of Social Revelations. Read More »
I look out of the window, aching for the sun’sglimpse,only to find clouds of uncertainty floating inBetween my heart and these clouds, there’s adiscomforting resemblanceboth in need of letting go of some water tofeel relieved!Every time I step out of the doorI see noses peeking out of the masks,blessed to smell the marigolds,but equally guilty