
Alliances and Collaborations

"Together we are stronger, our voices louder, and the synergy of our actions more powerful."

Why you should collaborate with us

“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”

― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The sum of the whole is bigger than the sum of each part. Together we can achieve much more than we can alone. 

We are happy to share our resources with our allies and any area of expertise we can provide.

We have a large group of students from all over the world involved in our movement. Every individual has something new and different to contribute to SAC. We are an amalgamation of creative minds and diligent souls working towards a common cause.

We, at SAC are always eager to form alliances with organisations.

Our allies promote our work or collaborate with us on events, content creation, mutual promotion, funding, providing professional mentorship and much more. We are always open to conventional and unconventional ideas to join hands

Or email us at info@sacov19.com

Our Sponsorships

DICE (Distinguished Innovations, Collaboration & Entrepreneurship) believes innovation is the source behind the progress of any nation. We aim at fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

In the summer, it launched its global COVID-19 Innovation Challenge, drawing in innovative ideas to combat COVID-19 from all over the world. SAC participated in this contest and won $2000 as the first prize winner! It plans to continue working with DICE to improve youths’ educational opportunities and foster entrepreneurship.

The Pollination Project invests in grassroots projects to seed a vibrant community of global changemakers who seek to spread compassion in the world for the benefit of all. In May 2020, they awarded SAC their maximum grant amount of $1000.

Our Partnerships

European Institute of Technology Health Alumni

A multidisciplinary community of #innovators building the future of #healthcare – by Alumni, for Alumni. Created in 2017, EIT Health Alumni is a cross cutting initiative aimed at enhancing the wider EIT Health community by connecting Alumni of all the activities of EIT Health’s three core pillars: Campus, Innovation and Acceleration.
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Their network brings together #students, #professionals, and #healthcare_enthusiasts who share a common #vision for creating positive societal impact through #innovation and #entrepreneurship.

#Students_Against_COVID members will have the chance to register in EIT Health Alumni platform so that they can see relevant opportunities and communicate with EIT Health Alumni for any kind of info and help (digital, medical, startups, etc).

They have partnered up with SAC and many organizations active within SAC (e.g. HLZ, STAC-19), where they offer knowledge translation, research and policy analysis, program management and evaluation, information dissemination and more.

ETIO Public Health Consultants

ETIO Public Health Consultants was founded with a single mission: to bring the benefits of evidence-informed, upstream, public health solutions to businesses/NGOs, clients and more all around the world.
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Lecturio is an organization whose mission is to provide students with the best learning tools, proven effective by learning science. Lecturio has created a high-quality digital medical education resource, which is affordable, adaptive, and personalized.
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Lecturio is guided by a clear and powerful set of values which shape the product and the way we work internally and with our partners: Reliability, Focus, Simplify, Joy, and Think Big.

Organizational Alliances

Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America

Non-profit professional association of Pakistani Physicians dedicated to fostering scientific development and education.
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Ainan Health Initiative

Ainan Health Initiative is an Online Research Publishing Network that posts & disseminates Clinical studies & Health based findings from acclaimed Research Centers including National Health Institutes (NIH) and Medical Research Council (MRC).
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COVID Demystified

Team of students and scientific experts across North America that provide evidence-informed articles on research findings surrounding COVID-19. SAC research members can become authors on their website by writing summarized scientific research articles. Additionally, SAC members work with them to create infographics on the research.
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University of Michigan: The Office for Health Equity and Inclusion

The Office for Health Equity and Inclusion develops mechanisms for inclusion, diversity and cultural sensitivity among faculty, students and staff at Michigan Medicine.

Distinguished Innovations, Collaboration & Entrepreneurship

DICE believes innovation is the source behind the progress of any nation. We aim at fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Main locations of impact include Pakistan and the United States.
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Raha Initiative

Raha Initiative is a non-governmental organization working to improve on social, economic, education, health and well-being of humanity across Africa. If you'd like to join us by volunteering your valuable resource to providing children with access to quality education and health.
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Saviours aims to provide a universal platform for students to emerge as global leaders.It aims to bring students together for exchange, to discuss and initiate projects to create a healthier world. This organization provides its members with the skills and resources to be health leaders. Saviours organizes projects, programs, seminars and workshops on areas of public health, medical education and peace.

Wake Up Youths Africa

We are an NGO trailing towards counteracting the present burdens of communicable and non communicable diseases among African Youths towards good health and wellbeing as well as ending poverty by 2030.
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Health Literacy Zambia

A youth lead organization that Aims at promoting health and supporting vulnerable children get back to school. It has worked to organize a multidisciplinary, international ideathon with SAC in the past that drew participants and judges from 12+ countries to work on pressing problems in low to middle income nations.
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Independent non-profit with the goal “providing phenomenal educational experience” serving as its members’ drive, the organization aims to promote academic and professional excellence in all its endeavors and develop its members’ potentials to be able to mold them into responsible doctors contributing immensely to the medical field in the near future. Based in Ukraine.
NGCEF assists junior scholars in intellectually empowering them for PhD preparation and the establishment of Global Community University (GCU) in the near future. GCU aims to initially provide worldwide PhD supervision/online programs (free of tuition fee) for financially constrained students.
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Coronavirus Visualization Team has created empirical data visualizations that educate the public on the pandemic's ongoing impact and display information from multiple, often overlooked angles such as climate implications, socioeconomic factors, and social aspects.
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By creating chapters on university campuses and in local communities, University Blood Initiative are empowering, educating, and mobilizing a network of young and diverse donors across the country to build a better future for blood donation.

Student Organizational Alliances

Replenish Detroit

Replenish Detroit is a student-driven grassroots organization founded at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan to advocate for and alleviate the ongoing Detroit water crisis.
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University of Michigan Pakistani Students Association

University of Michigan student organization that seeks to cultivate Pakistani culture, including but not limited to cuisine, fashion, music, and dance in a meaningful way.
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HTX CovidSitters

Students supporting Houston, USA healthcare workers by offering household management and tutoring services.
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hEARt Listens

Nonprofit organization that aims to support positive mental health through peer support. Based out of the University of Michigan, USA.
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Social campaign amongst Uganda’s student population to enable them to take part in fighting Coronavirus as a way of complimenting government activity in countering the problem.
Indonesian Youth Opportunities in International Networking. NGO run by Indonesian youths working together for the sake of ideals Indonesia Country which have go through programs based on education, youth, social, and international networks.
Student Taskforce Against COVID-19 (STAC-19) is an autonomous organization, primarily aimed at joining hands with frontline healthcare workers in the fight against COVID-19. Based out of Pakistan.
International scientific magazine initiated by health science students and young professionals under the auspices of the Disease Control and Research Center (DCRC). Strives to promote dialogue and understanding.
New UAE-based student-led online magazine for students aiming to pursue a career in the healthcare field.
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European Student Think Tank

International Organization that involves young people in the European policy-making process and promotes the values of the European Union and Human Rights.
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Building a network of health professions students across the US for mobilization by their respective state and local public health departments and hospitals to support them in their COVID-19 response efforts and beyond.
Student-led nonprofit based out of India with ~3000+ medical student members. Works in collaboration with SAC on a variety of initiatives, particularly women's health.
Health Economics Agora (HEA) is an initiative aiming to stimulate the dialogue between health and economics students, young professionals and allies.
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BRAINCOMS is the biggest international congress of Medical students in Latin America. It takes places in Escola Paulista de Medicina / Federal University of São Paulo, in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Team of healthcare students workign to overcome language barriers in healthcare settings by providing virtual interpretation services for Pakistani regional languages.

Other alliances include:


YIC (Indonesia)

Laswenyay (Haiti)

Up with the Community Organization (UCO) – Tanzania