In a world where we are, too busy to look up from our phones,
Caught up in invisible competition,
Driven by thoughts, arguments and unseen complexities,
The novel coronavirus seems to have
Engulfed countries , and Engulfed Economies.
Necessities people thought they couldn’t survive without,
Unfortunately seems like a luxury today.
Forced to stay at home for their own safety,
Relearning the forgotten value of time spent with friends and families.
The violence against health practitioners has become a thin line,
Doctors and nurses are receiving new found respect,

Standing tall as our first line of defence.
They treat those with the disease,
With unimaginable care and support.
Why have we as a community failed to acknowledge these until today?
The loved one’s of the patients,
Have no more tears to weep, their eyes are dry, their souls can’t rest.
They yearn for the touch of their loved one,
They yearn to see them without glass walls,
Parents yearn to cradle their children,
To hug them, To tell them how much they love them.

No one knows what tomorrow truly holds,
Cherish those who are by your side,
Laugh a little harder. Smile a little more.
Don’t be afraid. Don’t hold back.
For we are all mere humans in this together.